- WHERE? The CUMC Annex
(follow the link for a map).
- In Ames at 130 S Sheldon Ave.
- One block south of Lincoln Way, just west of the ISU campus.
- Park in the large lot north of the building.
- WHEN? Dances start at 7:30 PM --NEW TIME!-- on the 4th Saturday
of each month except July and December.
Jump to our Schedule
for the date,
band and caller at each dance.
- ADMISSION is $7,
$5 for students with ID.
- You don't need to bring a partner or wear
a special costume - just wear comfortable clothes.
If it's your first time, we'll make you feel welcome.
- No lessons necessary! Dances are walked through and called.
No street shoes on the dance floor.
Please bring a pair of clean, smooth-soled shoes to change into.
Socks or bare feet are OK too.
- WHAT is a Barn Dance, anyway?
Acoustic musicians are
welcome to join the Barn Owl Band
off-mike during the dance.
- The Central Iowa Barn Dances are organized by the CIBD board of directors:
- Dan Treadway
- Lonna Nachtigal
- Roger Alexander
alex at cibd dot org
Document last modified on Wed Jul 20 2016